Physical Computing With Scratch

GPIO music box project

gpiozero: Basic Recipes for RPi Sensors (projects)

Sonic Pi: Cheat Sheet by Mehackit

Sonic Pi: Tutorial and Projects

Sonic PI: Step-by-Step Tutorial by Mehackit


My First Raspberry Pi Game: Andy Balaam’s Blog

python-with-science: Lessons

GROK Learning: Python 3 Cheatsheet

Python Quick Reaction Game

Learning to Program with Python

Raspberry Pi Documentation: Getting started Raspberry Pi

stuffaboutcode: Raspberry Pi – Minecraft – Hide and Seek

Create a “Whac-a-Block” game in Minecraft: Raspberry Pi

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects book (PDF)

Getting Started with Minecraft Pi

Raspberrypi: Code Club

WeDo Building Instructions

WeDo Project Ideas: Scratch

wedobots: Project Gallery

Getting Started with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3

EXPLOR3R Building Instructions: Intermediate Project (1 Hour)

littleBits Lessons and Inventions

Choosing the Right Device

LEARN: Blended Learning

Wakelet: Scratch

Icograms: Exploring how Quebec changed between 1905 and 1980

Makey Makey and Scratch – Quebec around 1980

Makey Makey & Scratch: Lower Canada around 1820

Makey Makey and Scratch: New France 1645 and 1745

Interactive Models: How to Guide

Makey Makey and Scratch: Iroquois around 1500

Scratch: Historical Figures

Minecraft: New France 1745

Minecraft: Iroquois and Algonquian Societies around 1500


LEARN Playlist: Making the Shift to Online Teaching and Learning

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