Ad Targeting and Techniques

“Given what kids see and hear around them, it’s important for them to know how to decode and understand ads.”

Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy

“Introduce students to the online marketing techniques used to target children on the Internet and helps them understand the similarities and differences between traditional marketing methods and online advertising.”

Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches

Information and classroom activities for each stage of research process.

The 6 Online Research Skills Your Students Need

Suggestions for teachers on the research skills that students need and how to teach them.

What is Interest-Based Advertising?

“All advertising seeks to show the right products to the right audience at the right time.”

Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques

“Students are exposed to the online marketing techniques used to target youth and how they may be affected.”

The Price of Happiness

“Students are made aware of how advertisements affect self esteem, self image, and collaborate to create new ads.”

Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer and Brand Names

“Students explore how social status is associated with brand names, as well the feelings associated with being told what to wear by advertisers.”

Financial Literacy for Everyone

A series of lessons that look at various financial literacy concepts, such as budgeting, loans, credit and debt.

Office for Consumer Protection: Teaching Zone

A variety of resources for teachers to use in the class to teach the different aspects of advertising and commerce.

Marketing Online to Teens

“This activity helps teens develop an awareness of marketing tactics aimed at teens through the creation of their own mock advertising campaigns.”

Be Cyber Cool

“The purpose of the “Be Cyber Cool” campaign is to promote responsible use of social media by students in elementary schools in Québec.”

RÉCIT: My Avatar

“Students become aware of their digital identity and the rights and responsibilities that come with it. They identify norms, values ​​and behaviors that promote a better community life and that allows them to build a positive digital identity.”

From the Ground Up

“Students will learn marketing and advertising techniques as well as general entrepreneurial skills. They create, market and advertise a product that they created and is beneficial to the school community.”

Identifying and Understanding the Fallacies Used in Advertising

“A lesson on the deceptions often found in advertising and how to detect them.”

Marketing and Consumerism

A collection of resources on marketing and consumerism for teachers and parents from Media Smarts.

How Does Technology Make You Feel?

A video about feelings and technology usage. Check out the link to the accompanying Common Sense Media lesson plan in our teacher resource section.

Media Balance Is Important

A song about media balance for young children. Check out the link to the accompanying Common Sense Media lesson plan in our teacher resource section.

Deceasing Screen Time

“Help young people define ‘screen time’ and potential problems with spending too much time looking at electronic screens.”

Saying Goodbye to Technology

Tips for kids on how to pause for people. Check out the link to the accompanying Common Sense Media lesson plan in our teacher resource section.

Finding Balance in Our Digital Lives

“Students look at the different ways in which we spend our free time and learn to find balance between active, learning and media activities.”

What is the Internet Doing to Our Brains?

“Most of us are on the Internet on a daily basis and whether we like it or not, the Internet is affecting us. It changes how we think, how we work, and it even changes our brains.”

Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?

“Even by conservative estimates, the average American spends over 6 hours per day staring at a screen. That’s a lot of time. What does scientific research say about it? Is it good or bad for us?”

48 Hours Unplugged: The Screen-Free Challenge

“Students will monitor their ‘plugged’ habits by filling in a one-week activity log, and then take a 48-hour screen-free challenge.”

Excessive Internet Use

An information capsule for parents to better understand excesive internet use, it’s potential dangers, and how to help them deal with them.

Falcons Ed Tech Tutorials: Let’s Talk About Screen Time

“In this video we introduce our new series on the impact of screen time on our lives. “

Screentime Battles: When Kids Refuse to Unplug

“Positive uses of technology can engage your family with one another, sharing and learning and just plain spending time together.”

How to Combat Zoom Fatigue

An article by Harvard Business Review that explains why video calls are exhausting and how individuals can reduce zoom fatigue.

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