- Professional Development, Video
James Paul Gee on Learning with Video Games
- A short video on why video games can be such effective learning tools.
- Lesson Plan
- A game that “builds resilience” and promotes youth mental health.
- Online tool
ReaderQ En
- A Chrome plug-in that allows you to copy text from a variety of different documents, listen to text aloud, adjust the size and spacing,
- Online tool
Wave Browser Extension: Web accessibility evaluation tool
- An easy way to check for webpage accessibility issues/concerns.
- Online tool
Help Access Extension
- Want to use a website but it’s not accessible to you and/or your students. Download Help Access and all websites more accessible with ease.
- Lesson Plan
SAMR Student Choice Matrix
- Check out an example of a SAMR matrix. This can be a helpful tool for providing students with choices and finding opportunities to integrate
- Information resource, Lesson Plan
Micro:bit 101: Getting Started with Microcontrollers
- New to Micro: bit? Check out this comprehensive course for teachers and students alike. It contains capsules, how-to instructions, extension activities, and more! This
- Information resource, Online tool
Jeu d’evasion Competence Numerique
- Découvrez la compétence numérique avec ce jeu.
- Information resource
How to Use Google Translate to Teach English
- Information on how to use Google translate to help teach English or in English.
- Online tool
Google Translate: Chrome Extension
- “View translations easily as you browse the web. By the Google Translate team.”
- Information resource
Google Docs or Slides: Text to Voice How to’s
- Learn how to type with your voice with Google Docs. or Slides
- Online tool
High Contrast: Chrome Extension
- “Change or invert the color scheme to make webpages easier to read.”
- Online tool
Care your Eyes: Chrome Extension
- “Change the page’s background color to the reseda or night mode and you can click a block to make it changing color.”
- Online tool
Zoom for Google Chrome
- “Zoom in or out on web content using the zoom button and mouse scroll wheel for more comfortable reading. That to each percent value.”
- Online tool
jeu d’évasion de la compétence numérique
- Ce jeu a été construit pour être joué à plusieurs équipes. Idéalement 12 équipes, puisqu’il y a 12 dimensions au plan d’action numérique. Jouer
- Information resource
- “We are the lifelong guide for those who learn and think differently. In the past year, we’ve helped more than 20 million people discover
- Online tool
Take N.O.T.E: Understood.org
- “Introducing a simple step-by-step tool to help you spot signs of learning and thinking differences.”
- Online tool
Wunder app : Understood.org
- “The first community app for parents and caregivers of children who learn and think differently. Wunder is the only place where parents can safely
- Information resource
Understood.org Podcast series
- “Real talk and personal stories for and from people who learn and think differently. Our podcasts bring new voices and perspectives you won’t hear
- Information resource
How’d You Get THAT Job?!: Understood.org podcast
- “Explore the unique (and often unexpected) career paths of people who learn and think differently. Listen as host Eleni Matheou talks with people about
- Professional Development
Google for Education: Teacher Center
- “Explore free technology training and resources for educators.”
- Professional Development
Microsoft Educator Center
- Popular training and resources to get started with Microsoft.
- Online tool
Jamboard Activities for Independent Learning by Using Tech Better
- A collection of Jamboard activities organized by subject/topic.
- Professional Development
SAMR Smackdown: Digging Deeper into Digital Integration
- Learn more about SAMR: A Powerful Model for Understanding Good Tech Integration .
- Professional Development
Assistive Technology in the Classroom and at Home
- “This section from Learn Quebec, provides information about Assistive Technology in the Classroom and at Home.”
- Professional Development
Accessiblity Accross the Curriculum
- “This section from Learn Quebec, provides information about making digital content more accessible for users.”
- Online tool
EdTech Rating and Reviews: Common Sense Media
- “In-depth and trusted reviews by experts, help you find the right app, game or website for your classroom.”
- Online tool
Digital Graphing Tools: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “Whether students are learning to graph coordinates on a plane, manipulating variables in a simulation, or gathering live scientific data, they will be better
- Online tool
Authentic Assessment Tools for Teachers and Students: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “This list of ELA, social studies, math, and science websites provides ways for teachers to assess students and promote exploration, collaboration, self-regulation, and even
- Online tool
Games for Building Critical-Thinking Skills: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “Treat your students to these terrific, fun critical thinking games and watch how they develop thinking skills and more complex understandings of the world.
- Online tool
Design-Thinking Tools for Students: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “To help students solve problems big and small through design thinking, we’ve collected resources on this list in two categories. The first offers ideation
- Online tool
Tech Tools for Learning at Home: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “Try encouraging kids’ passions and promote learning through discovery and play. Lots of apps, games, and websites don’t feel like homework and can still
- Online tool
Best Apps and Websites for Learning Programming and Coding: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “Through coding, students build essential literacy skills, gain an understanding of logic and sequence, and learn the mechanics of iteration. These tools support project-based
- Online tool
Tools for Classrooms with In-Person and Remote Students: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “From dealing with tech difficulties to creating an inclusive environment to facilitating group work or assessments, hybrid teaching can be a real juggling act.
- Online tool
Classroom-Friendly Websites and Apps for Making Comics: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “Use these great creation tools to help students learn cartooning and sequencing fundamentals, or just express themselves and demonstrate learning. Teachers might also create
- Online tool
Apps and Websites for Improving Parent-Teacher Communication: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “These apps and websites provide instant, practical, and regular communication tools to encourage active engagement between students, teachers, and parents.”
- Online tool
Top Tech for Using Augmented and Virtual Reality: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can help extend what we see in the classroom or bring the outside world in. Whether students
- Online tool
Best Apps and Websites for the Flipped Classroom: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “Be more mentor than teacher by turning traditional lecture-based instruction on its head. These great flipped-classroom apps and websites help students gain new knowledge
- Online tool
Excellent Early Childhood Education Resources: Common Sense Media — Top Picks
- “We’ve handpicked our favorite top-rated, seriously fun early learning apps, games, and websites.”
- Online tool
CAST UDL Book Builder
- “CAST UDL Book Builder is a free online tool that lets kids create, publish, share, and read digital books. The tool is designed around
- Online tool
Skill Champ
- “Skill Champ is a free app designed specifically for early learners and children on the autism spectrum. Its combination of ten themes and ten