- Lesson Plan
Sexting and Relationships
- “What are the risks and potential consequences of sexting?”
- Professional Development
Tablets & The Inquiry Process Teacher Interview: Project Overview
- “This film is part of a series of films in which elementary school students learn how to research using The Inquiry Process and tablets.
- Professional Development
Inquiry Based Learning
- “A brief introduction to how Inquiry Based Learning can be used to engage students in a variety of topics.”
- Lesson Plan
Super Ad-tastic Scavenger Hunt
- A family activity to find ads around the house.
- Professional Development
Crafting Questions that Drive Projects
- A blog with suggestions on how to help students formulate questions that will set the stage for curiosity and creativity in learning.
- Professional Development
Library Learning Commons: Research Process
- This resource provides a wealth of resources for teachers and student’s working on research.
- Lesson Plan
Under the Influence
- “Students develop an awareness about marketing strategies.”
- Information resource
How Advergaming Works
- “How stuff works explains how advertising has made its way into the world of video games.”
- Lesson Plan
Ad Targeting and Techniques
- “Given what kids see and hear around them, it’s important for them to know how to decode and understand ads.”
- Lesson Plan
Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- “Introduce students to the online marketing techniques used to target children on the Internet and helps them understand the similarities and differences between traditional
- Professional Development
Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches
- Information and classroom activities for each stage of research process.
- Professional Development
The 6 Online Research Skills Your Students Need
- Suggestions for teachers on the research skills that students need and how to teach them.
- Information resource
What is Interest-Based Advertising?
- “All advertising seeks to show the right products to the right audience at the right time.”
- Video
The Inquiry Process – Why It’s Important
- What is the Inquiry Process and why is it important?
- Lesson Plan
You’ve Gotta Have a Gimmick
- Explore the marketing techniques used in snack food ads.
- Lesson Plan
Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- “Students are exposed to the online marketing techniques used to target youth and how they may be affected.”
- Professional Development
Building Research Skills
- “Can five to seven year olds do real research? Absolutely!”
- Lesson Plan
The Price of Happiness
- “Students are made aware of how advertisements affect self esteem, self image, and collaborate to create new ads.”
- Lesson Plan
Marketing to Teens: Gotta Have It! Designer and Brand Names
- “Students explore how social status is associated with brand names, as well the feelings associated with being told what to wear by advertisers.”
- Lesson Plan
Financial Literacy for Everyone
- A series of lessons that look at various financial literacy concepts, such as budgeting, loans, credit and debt.
- Information resource
Office for Consumer Protection: Teaching Zone
- A variety of resources for teachers to use in the class to teach the different aspects of advertising and commerce.
- Lesson Plan
Marketing Online to Teens
- “This activity helps teens develop an awareness of marketing tactics aimed at teens through the creation of their own mock advertising campaigns.”
- Lesson Plan
Be Cyber Cool
- “The purpose of the “Be Cyber Cool” campaign is to promote responsible use of social media by students in elementary schools in Québec.”
- Lesson Plan
RÉCIT: My Avatar
- “Students become aware of their digital identity and the rights and responsibilities that come with it. They identify norms, values and behaviors that promote
- Lesson Plan
From the Ground Up
- “Students will learn marketing and advertising techniques as well as general entrepreneurial skills. They create, market and advertise a product that they created and
- Video
How Ads Work on Facebook
- “How and why different ads are on your Facebook newsfeed.”
- Lesson Plan
Identifying and Understanding the Fallacies Used in Advertising
- “A lesson on the deceptions often found in advertising and how to detect them.”
- Information resource
Online Marketing – An Overview
- Activities, tips and resources for dealing with online marketing.
- Information resource
Marketing and Consumerism
- A collection of resources on marketing and consumerism for teachers and parents from Media Smarts.
- Information resource
How Ads Work on Facebook
- A document explaining how to adjust your ad preferences on Facebook .
- Video
How Does Technology Make You Feel?
- A video about feelings and technology usage. Check out the link to the accompanying Common Sense Media lesson plan in our teacher resource section.
- Lesson Plan, Video
Media Balance Is Important
- “How do we find a happy balance between our online and offline activities?”
- Video
Media Balance Is Important
- A song about media balance for young children. Check out the link to the accompanying Common Sense Media lesson plan in our teacher resource
- Lesson Plan
Deceasing Screen Time
- “Help young people define ‘screen time’ and potential problems with spending too much time looking at electronic screens.”
- Lesson Plan, Video
Pause for People
- “How do you say goodbye to technology when you don’t want to?”
- Video
Saying Goodbye to Technology
- Tips for kids on how to pause for people. Check out the link to the accompanying Common Sense Media lesson plan in our teacher
- Video
The Berenstain Bears’ Computer Trouble
- “Berenstain bears’ on technology balance and mental health.”
- Lesson Plan
Finding Balance in Our Digital Lives
- “Students look at the different ways in which we spend our free time and learn to find balance between active, learning and media activities.”
- Information resource
Dealing with Digital Stress
- Youth Tip Sheet exploring the three main ways of dealing with digital stress.
- Video
What is the Internet Doing to Our Brains?
- “Most of us are on the Internet on a daily basis and whether we like it or not, the Internet is affecting us. It
- Video
How Is Your Phone Changing You?
- “Should you be worried about your cellphone?”