- Lesson Plan
- A collection of activities and lesson plans that “support informed citizenship by helping students learn contemporary digital information literacy skills purpose-built for the modern
- Information resource
Grades K–5 Family Tips for Evaluating Information
- “Help Kids Spot Fake News and Decode Media Messages.”
- Lesson Plan
Break the Fake: Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- “Students determine the validity of information that is presented to them on the Internet.”
- Lesson Plan
Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- “Students discuss [viral] photos, videos and news stories that spread via social media. They are shown how challenging it is to authenticate these using
- Lesson Plan
Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- “Students discover how to determine the truth and accuracy of online information and learn effective ways to obtain balanced sources of information.”
- Lesson Plan
- “Students use a Web-based activity to help them think critically about how to determine the quality of Web resources.”
- Lesson Plan
Deconstructing Web Pages
- “Students apply the “5Ws of Cyberspace” to sources of information they find online. . .students must authenticate the information in an online article about
- Lesson Plan
Handout: C.R.A.P. Test
- An website evaluation tool for secondary students.
- Video
Evaluating Information – The CRAAP Test
- Information on “why we must check a websites for currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy and purpose.”
- Lesson Plan
Exploring Literacy in Cyberspace
- Students “become aware of the analytical skills that they commonly use when reading and how they might transfer these skills, along with some other
- Lesson Plan
True or Alternative Facts Classroom Activity
- “Students are asked to analyze satirical and actual news stories. Students will then produce a satire and genuine blog post about a recent news
- Lesson Plan
Thinking about Hate
- “Students develop their critical thinking skills by learning to recognize various types misinformation used to encourage hatred and intolerance.”
- Lesson Plan
Bias in News Sources
- “Students evaluate a variety of news sources with regards to the degree of bias and then demonstrate their understanding of the concept by creating
- Online tool
Doubt It or Trust It?
- “Test yourself on these stories — some are the real deal, and some are misleading, questionable, or just plain false.”
Website Checklist
- A printable checklist to help evaluate the initial content of a website.
- Information resource
Study Blames YouTube For Rise in Number of Flat Earthers
- Conspiracy theories shown on video- “Sharing sites persuade people to doubt that Earth is round.”
- Video
Life Hacks With Energy Drinks That You Never New Existed (Parody Magic Hacks from Rick Lax)
- An example of hoax Youtube ‘hacks’ video.
- Information resource
Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
- An example of a hoax website.
- Professional Development
Using Critical Thinking to Find Trustworthy Sites
- Information about “students learning how to evaluate informational websites in the classroom”
- Lesson Plan
Critical Evaluation of a Website for Secondary
- A worksheet to help guide students through the website evaluation process.
- Lesson Plan
Who Can you Trust?
- A checklist for evaluating the reliability and credibility of websites.
- Lesson Plan
Fact of Fiction: How to Know What to Believe Online Classroom Activity
- “Students will discuss and practice looking at various websites and decide if it presents valid information.”
- Video
Vinz and Lou on the Internet – Net of Liars
- Learn about website evaluation.
- Video
The Inquiry Process, Video 3 – Evaluate
- “The third step of the inquiry process model.”
- Information resource
Authentication 101
- This tip sheet focuses on what individuals can do to recognize false content online.
- Video
CIVIX Explains: Information Pollution
- Learn about disinformation and misinformation.
- Video
Check the Claim
- Learn about checking the sources of information and photos.
- Lesson Plan
Break the Fake
- “A collection of lesson plans and resources on how to evaluate information online.”
- Lesson Plan
Teaching TV: Learning With Television
- “Students will become aware that they can derive information from media products, identify and use information derived from the media, identify and use information
- Lesson Plan
Animal Study: From Fiction to Facts
- ” This lesson describes how to use selected fiction and nonfiction literature and careful questioning techniques to help students identify factual information about animals.”
- Information resource
15 Ways To Use Twitter In Education (For Students And Teachers Alike)
- How to Use Twitter to Search for Educational Content.
- Online tool
Next Vista for Learning
- A list of public domain search engines.
- Online tool
The Public Domain Review
- “A website that features collections of images, books, essays, audio recordings, and films that are in the public domain. “
- Online tool
Photos for Class
- “A searchable collection of Creative Commons images that is safe for students to use and provides the appropriate Creative Commons attribution in a watermark
- Online tool
Purple Planet Royalty-Free Music
- A search engine to find “Royalty free music to use in projects” .
- Online tool
Creative Commons
- A search platform that allows users to search for content that can be reused, remixed and reshared.
- Professional Development
30 Of The Best Digital Collaboration Tools For Students
- “Student-To-Student & School-To-School Digital Collaboration: 30 Of The Best Digital Collaboration Tools For Students”
- Professional Development
BookCreator: Create, Read, Publish
- Weekly webinars, implementation plans, lesson plans, student created books and more!
- Professional Development
Ideas for Using Pear Deck in The Classroom
- “Pear Deck is a tool for adding interactive and engaging lessons into your classroom.”
- Professional Development
10 Ideas For Using Technology To Teach Writing
- “There are a variety of tech tools and methods out there for teaching writing that can make the process easier and more fun for
- Professional Development
Publish a Digital Magazine
- “Students take the lead and design and create their own digital magazine.”