- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey in the Math Classroom!
- Imagine a classroom where the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds blur; everyday objects transform into interactive learning tools, and students become the architects
- Information resource
Makey Makey Code Along Presentation
- This video tutorial was hosted by LEARN – RÉCIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community. Join us for a Taste of Technology, Code Along!
- Information resource
Makey Makey Resource Hyperdoc
- This helpful one-pager contains resources to get you and your students started with Makey Makey. It also contains examples of activities that can be
- Lesson Plan, Video
Musical Instruments with Makey Makey: Jason Webb
- Musical instruments with the MaKey MaKey (1-4 hours) – easy/intermediate. Can be done with Scratch coding software.
- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey: Sample Lesson Plans PDF
- A collection of 7 lesson plans from Makey Makey. (1-2 hours) – easy
- Video
MaKey MaKey – An Invention Kit for Everyone : Jay Silver
- A video about Makey-Makey with different project ideas.
- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey and Scratch – Quebec around 1980
- Here is a teacher’s guide and student booklet on creating an interactive model or sketch for Quebec around 1980. Note: Teachers may have to request access to view
- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey & Scratch: Lower Canada around 1820
- We have translated and adapted the work of our RÉCITUS partners. Here is a teacher’s guide and student booklet to guide students through the research and creation process. Note: Teachers
- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey and Scratch: New France 1645 and 1745
- We have translated and adapted the work of our RÉCITUS partners to offer you a student booklet on how to create an interactive model of New France. We
- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey and Scratch: Iroquois around 1500
- We have translated and adapted the work of our RÉCITUS partners to offer you a student booklet on how to create an interactive model of an Iroquoian village
- Information resource
Makey Makey Interactive Timelines: Student Workbook
- A workbook to support students in planing and creating timelines with Makey Makey and Scratch.
- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey Activities: Autodesk Instructables
- Check out some project ideas that use a Makey Makey microcontroller.
- Information resource
Makey Makey Hookup Guide
- Learn how to begin using a Makey Makey microcontroller.
- Information resource
Makey Makey 1-Pager
- A double-sided document to get started with Makey Makey. This document includes an overview and key features, ideas to integrate the microcontroller into different
- Video
Code Along : Makey Makey 101
- This video tutorial was hosted by LEARN – RÉCIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community. Join us for a Taste of Technology, Code Along!
- Information resource, Lesson Plan
Makey Makey Educator Resources
- How-to guides, activities, and going beyond the banana piano.
- Lesson Plan, Video
Makey Makey Interactive Timelines: Student Slides and Video
- Lesson Plan
Makey Makey Interactive Timelines : Teacher’s Guide
- Explore creating interactive timelines with your students. These interactive timelines could be created across the curriculum. Note: Teachers may have to request access to view
- Information resource
Interactive Models: How to Guide
- A slide deck that covers how to create your own interactive models using Scratch programming software and Makey Makey microcontrollers.