Data Logging with the Micro:bit

A blog post about using the Micro:bit to record data from the Total Solar Eclipse that took place in Montreal on April 8, 2024.

Open Creative Spaces: Outdoor Education

A collection of resources for getting started with outdoor education with an integration of technology. Some activity ideas include Geocaching, rockets, shadow art, micro:bit and more.

Gapminder Tools for country comparisons

Gapminder is a great online statistical tool to analyse trends and note differences between countries around the world. In this example, students are asked to make conclusions around different examples of disparity.

Canva for Community Infographics

Digital Competency in Action:  Canva is an online design tool with many templates and functions that help you create complex representations of information, like infographics!

In this DCA example, students are asked to create an infographic to represent a Northern Indigenous community.

Sketchnotes applications

A sketching or drawing app is a great way for students to “describe” elements of a society, but also to indicate and categorize changes or differences between older time periods or even between other societies.  In this DCA example, students are asked to illustrate “How did Québec open up to the world around 1980?”  by focusing on the How, What, Where, and Who.

Unboxing the Excitement: Screen-Free Robotics for Elementary Cycle 2 & 3

A blog post about briefly introducing the screen-free robots that were unboxed by our RECIT consultant and some ideas for infusing them into content areas at the elementary cycle 2 & 3 levels!

Unboxing Matatalab Coding Set

Check out the Matatalab Coding set, a cool little screen free robot for our youngest learners. It’s easy to get started, lots of different options for play and above all it’s fun!

Connecting a Micro:Bit to a Model or Diorama

This video provides an overview of how to connect a Micro:Bit to a model or diorama. An interactive model or diorama project can be used across subjects, including Social Sciences!

This video is based on “Connecter un micro:bit à une maquette” which was originally created by l’équipe du RÉCIT univers social (

It was adapted by the RÉCIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community (LEARN) in Jan. 2024.

Code Along! Scratch & Scratch Jr.

Recording of the Code Along webinar hosted by the RECIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community on January 9, 2024! This recording is just under 1 hour, where we introduced educators to both Scratch & Scratch Jr. coding platforms in a slow, collaborative fashion. The intention of this webinar and recording is to inspire educators in integrating Edtech into their classrooms.

Code Along! Scratch & Scratch Jr. Presentation

Accompanying presentation slides of the Code Along webinar hosted by the RECIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community! This recording is just under 1 hour, where we introduced educators to Scratch & Scratch Jr. coding platforms in a slow, collaborative fashion. The intention of this webinar and recording is to inspire educators in integrating Edtech into their classrooms.

Bricoler l’AI avec Scratch et le Micro:Bit à FCC 2023

A blog post about the LEARN/RECIT team’s experience at the FCC annual gather of tech integration consultants to share and learn collaboratively together.

Education for Truth and Reconciliation: Tell me a story… using digital technology

A collection of English resources for teaching with digital tools, specific to the topic Education for Truth and Reconciliation.

Digital Tools for Storytelling: Education for Truth and Reconciliation – Presentation

These are the accompanying presentation slides for the workshop offered by the RÉCIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community, youth sector.

In this one-hour workshop, we will share various digital tools for storytelling and discuss how storytelling can support the infusion of Indigenous ways of knowing and doing in schools. Stories are versatile and can be used across the curriculum and with students of every age, so we invite all educators to watch the recording and review the accompanying slides.

Digital Tools for Storytelling: Education for Truth and Reconciliation

This workshop was offered by the RÉCIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community, youth sector. In this one-hour workshop, we will share various digital tools for storytelling and discuss how storytelling can support the infusion of Indigenous ways of knowing and doing in schools. Stories are versatile and can be used across the curriculum and with students of every age, so we invite all educators to watch the recording!

Accompanying resources are listed in the YouTube video description.


Artificial intelligence (AI) need neither be greeted with hype or hysteria. Sometimes AI is just software. by Gary Stager

“THE” Scratch Resource List

This list of Scratch and Scratch Jr. resources is the most extensive and all encompassing you’ll find anyway! Projects, studios, teacher accounts, strategies… you name it, it is on this list…

Code Along! TurtleArt

Recording of the Code Along webinar hosted by the RECIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community on December 5, 2023! This recording is just under 1 hour, where we introduced educators to TurtleArt block coding platform in a slow, collaborative fashion. The intention of this webinar and recording is to inspire educators in integrating Edtech into their classrooms.

Code Along! TurtleArt Presentation

Accompanying presentation slides of the Code Along webinar hosted by the RECIT Provincial Service for the Anglophone Community! This recording is just under 1 hour, where introduced educators to TurtleArt block coding platform in a slow, collaborative fashion. The intention of this webinar and recording is to inspire educators in integrating Edtech into their classrooms.

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