Looking for resources related to online safety, screen time and more? Check out this awesome website with helpful search tools to find the exact resources you need!’s educator resource center

Looking for Scratch project inspiration? Check out the new educator portal. It contains handy filters so you can search subject and grade level specific lessons and activities. In short – it’s awesome!

Scratch. Org

A new website for students and teachers to learn more about coding using the Scratch platform. It contains tutorials, lesson plans, upcoming events and more!

CCQ – One Pager – Elementary Screen Time

Screen time refers to the total amount of time a person spends looking at screens, such as those on smartphones, computers, or TVs. While some screen time can be educational or entertaining, excessive screen time can have negative effects on health, including disrupted sleep patterns and eye strain. It’s important to find a balance and prioritize activities that promote physical activity, social interaction, and overall well-being.

CCQ Program: Reflect critically on cultural realities

CCQ – One Pager – Secondary “Disinformation”

Students should be taught to critically evaluate sources, discern credible information from misinformation, and understand the impact of disinformation on personal beliefs and societal discourse. Integrating media literacy skills into the curriculum can empower students to navigate the vast online landscape responsibly. Additionally, discussing real-world examples and case studies can provide practical insights into recognizing and combating disinformation, fostering a well-informed and discerning generation of digital citizens.

Digital Competency in Action: Disinformation
Level and CCQ Theme – Secondary Cycle 4 – Technology and future challenges

CCQ – One Pager – Elementary Video Games

Learn about the relationship to digital tools and spaces and reflect critically on cultural realities!

CCQ – One Pager – Elementary Representation of the Self Online- You & Social Media

People present themselves in different ways when online. Whether playing a game or posting on social media, people define their identity in various ways. It is important to think critically about how we develop and communicate our identity to others in the digital world.

This is a resource for Elementary Cycle 3 – CCQ: Media and Digital Life
Subtheme – Relationship to digital tools and spaces

Mr. Morrison Lessons and Resources

Check out this elementary and digital learning educator’s website! It’s got easy to use guides and lesson plans for ScratchJR, Scratch, Micro:bit, GarageBand, Podcasts and more!

Unboxing Kibo by KinderLab Robotics

Interested in Kibo? Join a member of the RÉCIT for the anglophone community as we unbox this fun robot for young learners!

Learn more about Kibo on the KinderLab Robotics website: .

OctoStudio How-To Videos

Want to learn how to make a game, animate a story, or more using OctoStudio for IPad? Check out the OctoStudio YouTube channel for fun ideas!

OctoStudio Activity Inspiration

Check out this blog by to inspire your next OctoStudio app. project! OctoStudio is available on IPad.

OctoStudio App

OctoStudio was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group which is part of the MIT Media Lab team that invented Scratch. Similar to Scratch, it is a block based coding app that works on Ipad. It has interactive blocks and allows you to easily take photos of things around you and turn them into backdrops or Sprites!

Micro:Bit 1-Pager

A double-sided document to get started with Micro:Bit. This document includes an overview and key features, ideas to integrate the microcontroller into different subject curriculum and additional resources.

Sphero 1-Pager

A double-sided document to get started with Sphero. This document includes an overview and key features comparing the Sphero mini, Sprk+, and Bolt. This document also includes ideas to integrate the robots into different subject curriculum and a QR code containing additional resources.

Experience AI

Learn more about artificial intelligence systems with these awesome lesson plans and resources from Google DeepMind and the Raspberry Pi Foundation!

Machine Learning for Kids

Learn more about how artificial intelligence functions using Machine Learning for Kids. Input your own data or use the data sets provided. No account needed!

Open Creative Spaces: Storytelling

Presentation slides with embedded links to provide challenges for STEAM activities (with a storytelling focus) including robotics, branching narrative with Twine, interactive posters with Makey Makey, stop motion animation with lego or clay, and low tech storytelling such as light play, magnetic poetry, story cubes and more.

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