Whose.Land are you on? : Stimulating classroom learning and conversations around Truth and Reconciliation using the Whose.Land platform
A recorded webinar offered by the RÉCIT National Service for the Anglophone Community, RÉCIT Anglophone National Service for First Nations and Inuit (RÉCIT FNI) and TakingITGlobal.
The webinar explores how educators can use the Whose.Land platform, a web-based tool that uses GIS technology, to access information about land acknowledgements, treaties and land agreements, residential schools and more. It is one way to stimulate learning and conversations around Truth and Reconciliation in Quebec classrooms while activating Digital Competency. In this workshop, Michael Furdyk (Co-Founder and Director of Innovation at TakingITGlobal) and Anishinaabe educator Christine M’lot will discuss the creation of the platform and its features and functionalities. We will explore the accompanying lesson plans and professional learning tools, as well as how the site can be navigated by school staff and students in Quebec to incorporate Indigenous perspectives and honour the traditional lands on which we work, teach, and live.
The Google slides and Jamboard for the event can be found in the YouTube video description.
Whose.Land Platform: https://www.whose.land/en/
TakingITGlobal: https://welcome.tigweb.org/en