Duolingo Apps for Language and Math

Duolingo Apps for Language and Math

Duolingo apps are a great way to practice a language you are learning. They have free and paid versions.


Duolingo for language learning:

App store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/duolingo-language-lessons/id570060128

Browser: https://www.duolingo.com/

Duolingo ABC for children: https://abc.duolingo.com/

Duolingo MATH: https://www.duolingo.com/math



Student, Educator


Distance Education & Hybrid Teaching


Kindergarten, Elementary Cycle 1, Elementary Cycle 2, Elementary Cycle 3, Secondary Cycle 1, Secondary Cycle 2, General Adult Education


Technological Skills and Innovation

Digital competency (ies):

Resource Type:

Online tool
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