A podcast is an audio recording that can be created individually or collaboratively. Its length typically ranges from 2 to 60 minutes, and it can be easily adapted to address different educational objectives.
Types of podcasts include:
- Storytelling Podcasts: These share personal, historical or fictional narratives.
- Explanatory Podcasts: These break down complex ideas or discuss current events. They often include interviews.
- Multilingual Podcasts: These are recorded using words in multiple languages. The purpose is often to teach listeners new words and explore cultural diversity.

Suggested materials:
- A device capable of recording audio (e.g. a tablet)
- An editing App (e.g. Canva, BandLab EDU, GarageBand, RODE Connect, etc. )
- A microphone (built-in or external for a better quality recording)
- A quiet recording space
- Optional: A portable recording booth
Production Steps and Tools
Before Recording:
- Listen to podcasts. Note the sound effects, structure, and speaker(s)’ inflection. Make a list of elements you like to include in your own podcast.
- Pick a recording and editing software that suits your skill level and equipment.
- Plan: Develop a topic or question your podcast will explore. Fill out the necessary planning documents. (in English and French).
During Recording:
- Do a quick sound check to ensure clear audio and sufficient sound levels.
- Limit background sounds. Here are some classroom setup ideas from RECITUS.
After Recording:
- Trim recording: Cut out any unnecessary parts.
- Add intro and outro music: Choose music that suits the intention of your podcast and respects copyright laws.
- Optional: Add sound effects and design an image to represent your podcast.
- Share your production: You may want to share your podcast with your class, school, or wider community using a platform like BaladoWeb.
Bilingual Supporting Documents:
Advice from the experts:
Ready to dive into the world of Podcast production? Our student experts will guide you through the process of creating different types of podcasts.
— insert video(s)–
some way to display pros and cons of different software…
We want to acknowledge and thank our partners at RECITUS for sharing their podcasting expertise and resources with us under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.