Additional Devices

Below are some additional devices for you to explore with students! They require screens and you may need to download additional applications!



Specdrums by Sphero are app-enabled rings that turn color into sound. Each ring is equipped with sensors that can detect colors, allowing users to tap on surfaces of different colors to produce various sounds, beats, and loops. The rings connect wirelessly to a mobile app, where users can assign different sounds or instruments to each color and create music by tapping on colored objects around them.

1-page Overview

Unboxing Video

Additional Resources.

Merge Cube

Merge Cube

Hold the world in your hands with Merge Cube! Suitable for Elementary +, this AR/VR cube allows you to hold 3D objects or experience 3D simulations. Pair this device with a Merge Headset for an immersive VR experience. It is also compatible with Tinkercad and other 3D creation software, so you can hold or preview your creations before printing them! Want to test it out before purchasing? You can make a Merge Cube using the paper template in our resource section. The Merge EDU apps are free, but bonus content requires a subscription. 

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