Library Learning Commons

Library Learning Commons

” A learning commons is a whole school approach to building a participatory learning community. The library learning commons is the physical and virtual collaborative learning hub of the school. It is designed to engineer and drive future-oriented learning and teaching throughout the entire school. Inquiry, project/problem-based learning experiences are designed as catalysts for intellectual engagement with information, ideas, thinking, and dialogue. Reading thrives, learning literacies and technology competencies evolve, and critical thinking, creativity, innovation and playing to learn are nourished. Everyone is a learner; everyone is a teacher working collaboratively toward excellence.”





Kindergarten, Elementary Cycle 1, Elementary Cycle 2, Elementary Cycle 3, Secondary Cycle 1, Secondary Cycle 2, General Adult Education


The Inquiry Process and Information Literacy

Digital competency (ies):

Inquiry Process: Use

Resource Type:

Information resource, Professional Development
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