

A great example of local history and technology integration.

HONORE MERCIER PODCASTS: Students at Honoré Mercier Elementary School in St. Leonard were pretty busy during the first half of the school year, recording nine tri-lingual (English, French & Italian) podcasts about St. Léonard’s most famous landmarks.Celebrating an important achievement

From Café Milano – Montréal to the Caverne de St. Léonard, plaques will soon be placed in front of these famous locations with #QRCodes, which visitors can scan with their smartphone to listen.

Pedagogical organizations such as the RÉCIT and LEARN have greatly helped, in particular with setting up the BaladoWeb site that hosts all the podcasts.
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In addition to the dedicated teachers (Elisa Infusini, Karina Lajeunesse and Antonietta Morena) a team of resource people also contributed to the success of the project: Sonia Marotta (principal), Kish Gué (local RÉCIT consultant), Dimitri Ilias (Panorama), Thomas Stenzel (LEARN) and Sandra Laine (RÉCIT).

The project was launched at the Leonardo Da Vinci Center in Montréal where educational world leader Alan November was kind enough to offer a few words.


Student, Educator



Elementary Cycle 3, Secondary Cycle 1, Secondary Cycle 2


The Inquiry Process and Information Literacy

Digital competency (ies):

Inquiry Process: Use

Resource Type:

Information resource
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