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Information literacy is an integral part of digital citizenship. Being information literate means being able to plan, search, and evaluate information in order to create and share new knowledge. Information literacy and critical thinking are lifelong skills that we all need. Using a coherent cross-curricular inquiry process model can help our students develop these essential skills. Elements of Digital Citizenship can easily be addressed throughout an inquiry process.

Using an inquiry process model with only a few steps allows for greater understanding and possibility of learners applying the model.

Our Inquiry Process Model consists for 4 dynamic (not linear) steps:

The inquiry process model consist of 4 non-linear steps: plan, search, use, evaluate, reflect

Research has taught us many things about the teaching and learning of information literacy.

  • Similar to other literacies, it is best to start young
  • Using a consistent model in a variety of contexts will increase the possibility of transfer
  • Practice makes perfect (it helps with memory and retention, turning actions into habits)
  • Modelling the skills we hope to see is an important strategy

To help our students acquire these skills, certain strategies can make the learning process more efficient:

  • Use problem-solving techniques
  • Use narratives
  • Zero in on the deeper meaning of the skill you are teaching
  • Provide opportunities for activeauthentic learning (practice does make perfect!)
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