Deceasing Screen Time

“Help young people define ‘screen time’ and potential problems with spending too much time looking at electronic screens.”

Elementary: Postures for Healthy Screen Time and Screen Use

“Parenting in Pictures: Suggestions for healthy screen time posture.”

How to Combat Screen Fatigue

“The workshop was on March 29th, 2021 from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM. It was hosted by Frank Furfaro, educational consultant at the EMSB and chairperson of the EPC committee, Marc Gariépy and Emilie Bowles, RÉCIT consultants for Adult General Education.”

“Here is the outline of the workshop:

  • LEARN what screen fatigue is
  • RECOGNIZE the signs
  • UNDERSTAND what causes it
  • IDENTIFY what you can do about it with research-based strategies to help you cope”

Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?

“Even by conservative estimates, the average American spends over 6 hours per day staring at a screen. That’s a lot of time. What does scientific research say about it? Is it good or bad for us?”

48 Hours Unplugged: The Screen-Free Challenge

“Students will monitor their ‘plugged’ habits by filling in a one-week activity log, and then take a 48-hour screen-free challenge.”

Falcons Ed Tech Tutorials: Let’s Talk About Screen Time

“In this video we introduce our new series on the impact of screen time on our lives. “

Unboxing the Excitement: Screen-Free Robotics for Elementary Cycle 2 & 3

A blog post about briefly introducing the screen-free robots that were unboxed by our RECIT consultant and some ideas for infusing them into content areas at the elementary cycle 2 & 3 levels!

Screen Free Robotics for our Youngest Learners

A blog post about the different types of screen-free robots that can be used in the preschool and cycle 1 classroom.

Healthy Posture for Teenage Screen Time: In Pictures

“Parenting in Pictures: Suggestions for healthy screen time posture.”

Dualless Google Chrome Extension

Only have one screen? No problem. The Dualless Google Chrome Extension allows you to split a single screen in two so you can be even more efficient than you already are!

Classroom Screen

“An online tool that allows you to display the instructions for your lesson in a clear and visual way.”

EDU Puzzle Digital Citizenship Course for Students

A “free Digital Citizenship course made up of online video lessons to protect your students while using technology.” High school students receive an online certificate of achievement for completing.

Cyber Dependence and Addiction in Youth

“In the digital age, cyber addiction and its consequences are an issue at the heart of our society.”

Unboxing Matatalab Coding Set

Check out the Matatalab Coding set, a cool little screen free robot for our youngest learners. It’s easy to get started, lots of different options for play and above all it’s fun!

Kubo: Quick Start Guide

A guide to getting started with Kubo. A fun, screen-free, robot for pre-k and elementary students!

Accessed by LEARN/RÉCIT January, 2024.

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